R-S Configuration and Configurational Isomers

R-S Configuration
R-S Configuration its helps identify Enantiomers and Diatereomers 
Enantiomer:- Non superimposed mirror image 
Diatereomer:- Non superimposable , Non mirror image (R,R SR or SS RS )

R = Clock wise when counting A/c to CIP Rule 

S = Anti Clock wish

CIP Rule For R-S  
1 Higher the atomic Number & Higher the priority
2 Higher isotope preferred then lighter
3 IF first attack atom are same so move toward next 
4 Multiple bond are solved A/c to their multiplicity 
5 Lone pair e- get lowest preference than H 
6 When lighter atom desh then counting No. Clock wise so R and Anti clock wise so S 
7 When ligher atom wedge then counting No.Clock wise R = S  each opposite 


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