E - Z Configuration and R-S Absolute Compound
E- Z Configuration E = higher priority same Z = higher priority opposite side Rule - 1 Identify double bond compound and stereocenter Compound ( not necessarily chiral center ) 2 when compound have Geometrical isomer or stereoisomer with mostly contain bouble bond but not necessari because anther type compound have count . Eg cyclobutane substituted compound. 3 First give to preference According to CIP Rule and preference is made between two group at each stereocenter 4 Notes :- Both Cis - Trans and E- Z not relation to each other More details shown fig.. R-S Configuration compound having Chiral Axis * Both deffrence between Chiral Center and Chiral Axis Chiral Axis :- when present wedge atom (more dark in fig.) Out of Plane with attached atom in Plane and compound are Geometrical isomer or stereoisomer compound Here Identify R-S A/C to CIP Rule but not followed rev...