
Geometrical Isomer and calculation of Geometrical Isomers

Geometrical Isomer Geometrical isomer arises because of the restricted rotation about the bond The band may be sigma and π. Restricted π bond : azo , alkene, oxime Sigma bond :- in cyclic compound For sigma bond GI condition :- in order to represent geometrical isomerism by the compound two group at each stereocenter should be different For substituent almost should be in same plane Calculation of Geometrical Isomers Find first n = Number of site for geometrical isomer Classified the molecule -- symmetric and unsymmetrical For Unsymmetrical = 2^n For symmetrical = 2^n-1 + 2^p-1 Mid point of molecule are both side check environment , when same environment = symmetric and different environment = unsymmetric Shown fig... 2 Due to chiral center Calculate n = No. Of Chiral Center Cheked - Chiral compound (POS =X and COS =X) x= absent Shown fig.... 3 Calculation of total isomer if molecule contains more ...

E - Z Configuration and R-S Absolute Compound

E- Z Configuration E = higher priority same       Z = higher priority opposite side  Rule - 1 Identify double bond compound and stereocenter Compound  ( not necessarily chiral center )  2 when compound have Geometrical isomer or stereoisomer with mostly contain bouble bond but not necessari because anther type compound have count . Eg cyclobutane substituted compound. 3 First give to preference According to CIP Rule and preference is made between two group at each stereocenter 4 Notes :- Both Cis - Trans and E- Z not relation to each other  More details shown fig.. R-S Configuration compound having Chiral Axis  * Both  deffrence between Chiral Center and Chiral Axis  Chiral Axis :- when present wedge atom (more dark in fig.) Out of Plane with attached atom in Plane and compound are Geometrical isomer or stereoisomer compound Here Identify R-S A/C to CIP Rule but not followed rev...

R-S Configuration and Configurational Isomers

R-S Configuration R-S Configuration its helps identify Enantiomers and Diatereomers  Enantiomer:- Non superimposed mirror image  Diatereomer:- Non superimposable , Non mirror image (R,R SR or SS RS ) R = Clock wise when counting A/c to CIP Rule  S = Anti Clock wish CIP Rule For R-S   1 Higher the atomic Number & Higher the priority 2 Higher isotope preferred then lighter 3 IF first attack atom are same so move toward next  4 Multiple bond are solved A/c to their multiplicity  5 Lone pair e- get lowest preference than H  6 When lighter atom desh then counting No. Clock wise so R and Anti clock wise so S  7 When ligher atom wedge then counting No.Clock wise R = S  each opposite 

Fisher Projection and Numan Projection from stereochemistry

Stereochemistry Type :- Static stereo  Dynamic stereo  Stereochemistry :- study of isomer and 3D arrangement of atom and molecule  Isomerism    Isomers :- two and more than two compound having same molecule formula but different physical and chemical properties known as isomer  Isomerism not the properties of at least two compound  Two isomers are different IUPSC Eg . CH3CH2OH  or CH3-O-CH3 Type of Isomers   Structural / Regeoisomer Stereoisomer     click here Structural :-- Chain  Position Function group conformation  Meta  Ring chain  Tautomerism  Stereoisomer :-- Conformational :- By  (c-c) bond rotational Configurational :-  Geometrical :-    (by restricted rotation  C=C / C-C ) .  Optical :- ( due to different behave to light ) Configurational:-  It the 3D dimension a...